ACTA promotes rigorous academic study, a strong liberal arts curriculum, and broadening viewpoint diversity through its Oases of Excellence initiative. These 90 programs share a commitment to educating students for informed citizenship in a free society by maintaining the highest academic standards, introducing students to the best of the foundational arts and sciences, teaching American heritage, and ensuring free inquiry into a range of intellectual viewpoints.

Are you looking to transform America’s higher education institutions? ACTA encourages alumni and donors to provide targeted support to these outstanding faculty-led, donor-supported programs and others like them that are steadily changing the culture of the academy from the inside. Please contact ACTA’s Fund for Academic Renewal for more information on planning a gift with enduring impact.

American University

Washington, D.C.

Political Theory Institute

Founded and directed by Professor Alan Levine, the mission of the Political Theory Institute is “to encourage the serious study of the great questions of political theory and to bring the insights of political theorists to bear on current issues and events.” The institute sponsors the Washington, DC Political Theory Colloquium, which brings engaging speakers to campus each semester. It also sponsors a series of student-run debates through its Janus Forum Student Society, hosts an annual conference, and offers a post-doctoral fellowship. Visit Page »

Lincoln Scholars Program

The Lincoln Scholars Program offers a 15-credit Certificate in Political Thought to 1st and 2nd-year students. Lincoln Scholars take seminar classes on a wide array of foundational readings, focusing on “classic texts in political theory and philosophy, economics, and literature.” Through active reading, critical thinking, and analytical writing, the program seeks to help students explore complex moral and political questions. The Lincoln Scholars Program also cultivates an intellectually diverse community for students and faculty outside of the classroom through its Lincoln Scholars lecture series. Visit Page »

Amherst College

Amherst, MA

James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights and the American Founding

Founded and directed by Professor Hadley Arkes, the James Wilson Institute’s Mission is to restore to a new generation of lawyers, judges, and citizens the understanding of the American Founders about the first principles of our law and the moral grounds of their own rights. It hosts a series of lectures throughout the year, sponsors courses, and hosts meetings in Washington D.C. in the spring and Amherst, Mass. in the fall of each year. Visit Page »

Arizona State University

Tempe, AZ

School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership

The School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership (SCETL) was established in 2016 at Arizona State University under the direction of Paul Carrese. The program was founded as a center for students to explore and debate perennial human questions and ideas. This approach of this inquiry is the study of great classical thinkers of the past as well as through the study of the American Founding. SCETL offers challenging courses in the liberal arts, academic programs for the public, and experiential learning opportunities for students in order to combine “great intellectual works with leadership and statesmanship for 21st century America and a globalized world.” Visit Page » 

Ashland University

Ashland, OH

Ashbrook Center 

The Ashbrook Center, founded in 1983, is an independent center based at Ashland University. The center serves students, middle and high school teachers, and the public, offering a Scholar Program for undergraduates, an online master’s program for teachers, and regularly hosting speakers. The Ashbrook Center also produces a wide range of publications, including the outstanding 50 Core American Documents, a compendium of key documents in American history. Its current executive director is Jeffrey Sikkenga. Visit Page »

Baylor University

Washington, D.C.

Baylor in Washington

Baylor in Washington brings students to the nation’s capital for internships, mentorship, and integrated coursework over a semester. The program routinely hosts lectures and events in Washington, DC, that “model charitable discourse” and reach across “political, ideological, and theological divides.” These conversations focus on the intersection of faith and public policy regarding pressing issues like poverty, religious freedom, and criminal justice reform. Baylor in Washington is currently directed by Dr. David D. Corey, a professor in the Honors Program at Baylor University. Visit Page »

Boise State University

Boise, ID

Institute for Advancing American Values

The Institute for Advancing American Values promotes open dialogue from multiple viewpoints about fundamental issues that have shaped America. Directed by Andrew Finstuen, the institute holds panel discussions, speaking events, and bi-annual distinguished lecture series with speakers such as Arthur Brooks and Margaret Atwood. It is also home to Idaho Listens, a project dedicated to creating forums for audiences to listen and learn from “to speakers from a cross-section of backgrounds, occupations and experiences, who live different values and perspectives about the central issues of our state and our time.”  

Faculty can apply for a research grant through the institute, which also sponsors fellowships for faculty and undergraduates. Visit Page »

Boston College

Chestnut Hill, MA

Clough Center for Constitutional Democracy

The Clough Center was started in 2008 through the vision and generosity of Gloria and Chuck Clough. It “aims to reinvigorate and reimagine the study of constitutional democracy in the twenty-first century.” The center hosts lectures and conferences; supports faculty, graduate, and undergraduate research; and offers a junior fellowship for outstanding undergraduates. It also runs global programs such as the Clough Global Strategic Capacity Building Program, which partners with “public and private institutions and civil society in the United States and around the world to strategically contribute to the agency, processes, structures, and ideas helpful to vibrant democracies and good government.” Visit Page »

Brown University

Providence, RI

Political Theory Project

By using both humanistic and social scientific tools, Brown’s Political Theory Project seeks to “invigorate the study of institutions and ideas that make societies free.” It regularly sponsors speakers and offers post-doctoral fellowships as well as undergraduate courses. The student arm of the project is the Janus Forum, which sponsors a public lecture series, luncheon discussions, and public debates. The Political Theory Project was founded in 2003, and is currently directed by John Tomasi. Visit Page »

Bucknell University

Lewisburg, PA

The Bucknell Program for American Leadership  

The Bucknell Program for American Leadership (BPAL) helps students navigate thoughtful civic engagement through the Great Books and liberal arts. Students are encouraged to engage with Allan Bloom’s foundational questions: “Is there a God? Is there freedom? Is there punishment for evil deeds? Is there certain knowledge? What is human nature? What is a good society?” Sponsored by the Open Discourse Coalition, BPAL also hosts lectures designed to foster intellectual diversity and open dialogue on campus. The current faculty director is Fr. Dn. Paul A.K. Siewers. Visit Page »

Christopher Newport University

Newport News, VA

Department of Leadership and American Studies

The Department of Leadership and American Studies is an academic department within Christopher Newport University. The department is dedicated to leadership, civic engagement, and democratic ideals. It offers a major and a minor in “American Studies” as well as a minor in “Leadership Studies.” Students in the program can avail themselves of supervised internships in business, government, and the non-profit world as well as study abroad options in the Netherlands, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The current department chair is Dr. S. Lynn Shollen. Visit Page »

City Colleges of Chicago

Chicago, IL

Wilbur Wright Great Books Curriculum

The Great Books Curriculum and Wilbur Wright is a set of core courses in English, History, Humanities, Literature, Philosophy, and Theater. The curriculum was started in 1998 by Bruce Gans and is currently directed by Michael Peterson. Students who complete the program receive a certificate upon graduation. The program also sponsors symposia, lectures, and the publication of student essays in Symposium, a student journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Visit Page »

Claremont McKenna College

Claremont, CA

Henry Salvatori Center for the Study of Individual Freedom in the Modern World

The Salvatori Center is dedicated to developing close relationships between students and scholars to “engage in the study of political philosophy and freedom as it relates to the American Founding.” The center sponsors conferences, lectures, and publications, as well as a junior fellows program for outstanding students. It was founded in 1969 through the generosity of Henry Salvatori and is currently directed by Professor Mark Blitz. Visit Page »

Clemson University

Clemson, SC

Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism

The mission of the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism is to “increase public awareness of the moral foundations of capitalism.” It sponsors an undergraduate junior fellows program and a visiting scholars program as well as speakers and conferences throughout the year. The institute was founded in 2005 by current executive director C. Bradley Thompson. Visit Page »

Colgate University

Hamilton, NY

Center for Freedom and Western Civilization

Founded in 2004 and currently led by Professor Robert Kraynak and Professor Carolyn Guile, the Center for Freedom and Western Civilization “seeks to enliven the intellectual discourse among students and faculty … by promoting a set of ideals that have their origins in Western civilization but are universal in appeal.” It regularly sponsors lectures and runs a variety of programs. One of the most notable is Project Afghanistan, which helps build stronger ties with Afghanistan’s Kabul University in order to “develop new course materials and programs.” Visit Page »

Columbia University

New York, NY

Center on Law and Liberty

Columbia Law School announced the creation of the Center on Law and Liberty at the end of 2014. The center was founded to “study freedom, threats to its existence, and legal protections designed to ensure its survival.” It is overseen by Philip Hamburger, the Maurice and Hilda Friedman Professor of Law at Columbia Law School and an expert on constitutional law and religious liberty. The Center on Law and Liberty primarily hosts events focused on academic freedom. Visit Page »

The Morningside Institute

The Morningside Institute brings scholars and students together to “examine enduring ideas, create intellectual friendship, and enrich these ideas and friendships with the vibrant life of New York City.” As part of this mission, the institute sponsors dinner seminars, lectures, conferences, and cultural outings. Programming is open to students throughout New York City, but the institute works primarily with students and faculty at Columbia University. In 2021, Morningside established the Barry Center on the University and Intellectual life, which offers post-doctoral fellowships aimed at building “a new generation of scholars” whose work promises to advance their fields, strengthen their institutions, and enrich public life. Through its fellowships and mentorship programs, the Center works to form scholars marked by integrity, civility, courage, and friendship. Nathaniel Peters directs the Morningside Institute, and Matthew Rose directs the Barry Center. Visit Page »

Cornell University

Ithaca, NY

Program on Freedom and Free Societies

The Program on Freedom and Free Societies aims “to enhance understanding and appreciation for constitutional liberty, by stimulating inquiry into the nature and meaning of freedom.” It regularly hosts events and speakers on campus to speak on issues such as the meaning of freedom, the relationship between politics and media, and public policy. The program is directed by Barry Strauss, a professor of History and Classics. Visit Page »

Chesterton House

Chesterton House is an off-campus living-learning community at Cornell University that allows students “to integrate their intellectual growth with their religious faith.” Up to 43 students live at Chesterton House, where they “eat, sleep, study, and converse” in a residential academic community. Established in 2000, Chesterton House holds a weekly Logos Seminar featuring the exploration of Judeo-Christian texts and visiting speakers. Chesterton House also funds a fellowship program and hosts an annual Veritas Forum and an annual Beimfohr-Neuss Lecture with prestigious guests. The program aims to foster intellectual diversity and model charitable discourse. Vivek Mathew, Ph.D., serves as the executive director. Visit Page »

Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH

The Daniel Webster Project in Ancient and Modern Studies

The Daniel Webster Project was established in 2008 as a faculty initiative to “enhance the liberal arts experience at Dartmouth College by bringing ancient and modern perspectives to bear on issues of permanent moral and political importance.” The project sponsors regular lectures, conferences and curriculum proposals with the aim of bringing “faculty, students, and alumni/ae together around the core ideals of liberal education.” Though not yet adopted by Dartmouth College, the project’s curriculum proposals offer an option to students who want to pursue a more structured and focused course of study. The Webster Program is currently chaired by Professor James B. Murphy. Visit Page »

Duke University

Durham, NC

Program in American Values and Institutions

Duke’s Program in American Values and Institutions is a multi-disciplinary program that studies “political, legal, economic, and cultural institutions” with special attention paid to the American Founding and the efforts of marginalized groups to “achieve full citizenship.” AVI sponsors undergraduate courses, brings speakers to campus, and hosts conferences. It also sponsors a post-doctoral program. The program is currently under the directorship of Professor Michael A. Gillespie. Visit Page »

The Civil Discourse Project

The Civil Discourse Project is part of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. Students and faculty involved in the project address the foundational questions of humanity and citizenship through lectures, conferences, courses, and research. The Civil Discourse Project works to cultivate intellectual and civic virtue in its students and to foster friendship and community across ideological divides. The program is directed by Professor Jed Atkins.  Visit Page »

Center for the History of Political Economy

The Center for the History of Political Economy (the HOPE Center) at Duke University promotes research and teaching in the history of economics. Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students benefit from the HOPE Center’s Visiting Scholars program, Summer Institute, regular workshop series, lectures on campus, and annual conference. The center also provides access to the Economists’ Papers Archive, a superb collection of the papers of more than 70 prominent economists from the twentieth century. The archive is housed at Duke’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Bruce Caldwell serves as the HOPE Center’s founding director. Visit Page »

Eastern University

Saint Davids, PA

Philadelphia Commons Institute

Through the generosity of its donors, the Philadelphia Commons Institute “was established to nurture and sustain free and humane citizens and their service to the common good.” It seeks to examine “the spiritual, moral, and cultural preconditions of free people and institutions.” The institute will sponsor research, lectures, and colloquia and will award research grants to faculty. Visit Page »

Emory University

Atlanta, GA

Program in Democracy and Citizenship

Directed by Judd Owen, Emory’s Program in Democracy and Citizenship is a curricular initiative “centered on the knowledge required for young Americans to become responsible, informed citizens.” The program sponsors courses in six departments, hires post-doctoral students to teach, and brings speakers for annual lectures on some aspect of the American founding. The program is also in the process of developing a voluntary core curriculum for freshmen and sophomores that will focus on great books in the Western tradition. Visit Page »

Faulkner University

Montgomery, AL

Center for Great Books & Human Flourishing

The Center for Great Books & Human Flourishing at Faulkner University offers undergraduates the opportunity to engage with questions of the good life and a flourishing society through student programming, speaker events, and fellowships. The center hosts lectures that are open to the public and sponsors visiting faculty, professional development opportunities for teachers, and travel stipends for graduate students to attend and present at academic conferences. It works in close conjunction with the Great Books Honors Program at Faulkner and is directed by Jason Jewell. For more information, email

Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton, FL

Adams Center for Entrepreneurship

The Adams Center for Entrepreneurship at Florida Atlantic University was created to provide students with a “unique academic experience by fostering revolutionary intellectual growth beyond conventional wisdom in the pursuit and creation of sustainable solutions to business and social problems.” The Center focuses on interdisciplinary academics, community engagement, and venture creation, equipping FAU students of every major to be visionary leaders in their fields. Under the leadership of Director Roland Kidwell, the Adams Center serves as an incubator for new ideas and vibrant academic discussion. Visit Page » 

Madden Center for Value Creation

The Madden Center for Value Creation at Florida Atlantic University seeks to provide students with an intellectual foundation to become value creators in their communities and contribute to overall prosperity within our society. The Madden Center sponsors virtual and on-site conferences on research and topics within value creation, offers a remote learning certificate, and hosts a wide array of international visiting scholars. Its four current research areas include pharmaceutical systems, regulation and enterprise in the economy, higher education accountability, and entrepreneurship. The Madden Center also partners with the Civics Education Program, a local organization, to bring a symposium-style discussion of civics, ethics, economics, and literature to prisons in South Florida. Siri Terjesen serves as the executive director. Visit Page » 

The Phil Smith Center for Free Enterprise

The Phil Smith Center for Free Enterprise aims to help undergraduate and graduate students understand the importance of free enterprise in our democratic society. The center, housed in the College of Business at Florida Atlantic University, supports chaired professorships, faculty research, educational programs, and on-campus events including a lecture series. The Phil Smith Center hosts courses in four disciplines—economics, finance, management, and marketing—and emphasizes the five values that guided the business philosophy of Phil Smith: integrity, respect, principled risk-taking, mutually beneficial exchange, and accountability. The center is currently directed by the dean of the College of Business, Daniel Gropper. Visit Page » 

Florida Southern College

Lakeland, FL

Center for Free Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

Directed by Justin Heacock, the Center for Free Enterprise & Entrepreneurship aims to “instill an entrepreneurial mindset and reinforce free enterprise principles” for Florida Southern College and the surrounding community. The center offers academic programming as well as experiential learning to enrich a student’s education. Students can receive start-up money and mentorship to develop innovative ideas into viable businesses. The center strives to transform students into innovative leaders that can be effective in new or existing organizations. Visit Page » 

Florida State University

Tallahassee, FL

Gus A. Stavros Center for the Advancement of Free Enterprise and Economic Education

Founded through the generosity of businessman Gus Stavros, the Center for the Advancement of Free Enterprise and Economic Education at Florida State University seeks to “further free enterprise and economic education in the schools and the broader community.” It runs two major programs: The Excellence in Economic Education program, which focuses on “promoting excellence in the teaching of economics,” and the program for the Study of Free Enterprise and Political Economy, which focuses on research “designed to enhance the understanding of the institutions and policies supportive of free enterprise.” The Center’s activities include workshops, seminars, teacher training programs, and research sponsorship. It is currently directed by Dr. James Gwartney. Visit Page »

Furman University

Greenville, SC

Tocqueville Program

Named for the great student of democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville, the Tocqueville Program is an intellectual community dedicated to the moral and philosophic questions at the heart of political life. It hosts curricular and extracurricular activities designed to help students engage with the best arguments behind diverse and competing points of view. Founded in 2006 thanks to the generosity and tireless efforts of Ginny and Sandy MacNeil, the Tocqueville Program now offers a series of courses, including a course aligned with a lecture series, a first-year engaged living program, a sophomore-senior fellowship program, a Friday afternoon reading group, a postdoctoral fellowship, and an undergraduate summer placement program. The program is currently directed by Professors Benjamin Storey and Jenna Storey. Visit Page »

George Fox University

Newberg, OR

John Dickinson Forum

The John Dickinson Forum—named for the “penman of the Revolution”—was founded in 2018 to “promote thoughtful study, discussion, and debate about America’s Founding principles.” The Forum helps students apply this understanding to contemporary issues through lectures, book discussions, and debates at George Fox University and other institutions with similar interests throughout the Pacific Northwest. The John Dickinson Forum is led by Mark David Hall, Herbert Hoover Professor of Politics. Visit Page » 

Georgetown University

Washington, D.C.

Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics

The Georgetown Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics (GISME) began in 2011, with support from the BB&T Foundation. It is under the leadership of executive director John Hasnas. GISME creates interdisciplinary programs to educate business school students and the broader community about ethical considerations that affect policy decisions, combining the perspectives of philosophy, political science, and law. GISME also develops courses and teaching tools to advance the study of professional ethics and the moral foundations of market societies. The Institute models intellectual diversity in its exploration of a wide range of philosophical and ideological positions. Visit Page »

Tocqueville Forum for Political Understanding

Georgetown University’s Tocqueville Forum seeks “to advance the study of America’s founding principles and their roots in the Western philosophical and religious traditions.” It sponsors conferences, lectures, and colloquia on campus in order to “deepen classical liberal learning and elevate the civic understanding” of Georgetown’s students. The forum is housed in Georgetown’s Department of Government and is directed by Professor Richard Boyd. Visit Page »

Grove City College

Grove City, PA

The Institute for Faith & Freedom

Founded in 2005, the Institute for Faith & Freedom promotes the principles of faith and freedom to the next generation of American leaders, and shares those principles with the wider world. It does this by publishing the work of its scholars, offering annual Student Fellowships and other learning opportunities to undergraduates, convening an annual conference and lecture series, and hosting several regional events. Visit Page »

Hamilton College

Clinton, NY

Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization

Based in a historic mansion near Hamilton College and run independently of it, the Alexander Hamilton Institute is the brainchild of economist James Bradfield and historians Robert Paquette and Douglas Ambrose. The institute “promotes excellence in scholarship through the study of freedom, democracy and capitalism … within the larger tradition of Western culture.” Through its academic societies, annual colloquia, and lectures on constitutional jurisprudence, the AHI has had tremendous success in fulfilling its mission. AHI also runs a wonderful undergraduate fellowship program on campus, which includes an intellectually diverse group of exceptional students. These undergraduates “participate in the intellectual life of AHI” by organizing their own events, engaging leading public intellectuals at Leadership Luncheons designed specifically for Fellows, attending the annual AHI Colloquium, and presenting papers under the auspices of AHI. Visit Page »

Hampden-Sydney College

Hampden-Sydney, VA

Wilson Center for Leadership

Founded in 1996 with the mission to “develop effective and ethical leaders” within the context of our American Constitutional Republic, the Wilson Center for Leadership provides training in leadership and public service, along with civic education for Hampden-Sydney students, faculty, staff, and alumni; area high school teachers and students; and a variety of community and national educational organizations. It offers a variety of curricular and co-curricular leadership education and development programs. In addition, the Wilson Center hosts events and speakers throughout the year, focusing on topics dealing with leadership and the broad public interest. Its current executive director is Dr. Ryan Pemberton. Visit Page »

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA

Program on Constitutional Government

The Program on Constitutional Government at Harvard “hosts lectures, panels, and lunch seminars” in order to promote “the study of the U.S. Constitution and its principles.” The program also brings visiting professors to Harvard and supports postdoctoral fellowships. It was founded in 1985 by Professor Harvey Mansfield and William Kristol and is currently headed by Dr. Mansfield and Boston College’s R. Shep Melnick. Visit Page »

Abigail Adams Institute at Harvard University 

The Abigail Adams Institute is “an independent scholarly institute dedicated to providing supplementary humanistic education to the Harvard intellectual community.” The institute provides students at Harvard, as well as young professionals and students at other Boston colleges, with access to lectures, discussion groups, and workshops. During the summer, the institute hosts seminars for students to “inquire into existentially meaningful questions through the study of economics, politics, culture, and philosophy.” Danilo Petranovich is the current director. Visit Page » 

Indiana University

Bloomington, IN

Tocqueville Program

The Tocqueville Program at Indiana University was created in 2009 with generous support from the Jack Miller Center. It engages “historians, political scientists, sociologists, and anthropologists” in reflecting on “Tocquevillian themes and tropes that deal with important issues such as freedom, equality, civil society, religion, citizenship” and more. The Tocqueville Program sponsors lectures, prize competitions, and roundtables and is planning to offer an undergraduate course and a postdoctoral fellowship in the future. The program is directed by Professor Aurelian Craiutu. Visit Page »

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, LA

Eric Voegelin Institute 

The Eric Voegelin Institute is a humanities and social sciences research institute housed in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at LSU. It is dedicated to the study of great books, Western Civilization, and of course, the contributions of Eric Voegelin to political thought. The institute also provides research and support to the Department of Political Science and has published a 34 volume Collected Works of Eric Voegelin. Programs for undergraduates include a joint lecture and reading series that encourages students to explore great works and furthers their understanding through lectures from distinguished academics. Professor James Stoner is the Director of the institute. Visit Page »

Marshall University

Huntington, WV

John Deaver Drinko Academy

The John Deaver Drinko Academy is “devoted to enhancing public understanding of American institutions and responsibilities of citizens to their society.” The academy traces its roots back to 1985, when John and Elizabeth Drinko established a chair in the university’s College of Liberal Arts. The program was expanded, enlarged, and renamed in 1994. It currently sponsors lectures, fellowships, visiting professorships, and seminars. The academy’s executive director in Dr. Montserrat Miller. Visit Page »

Mercer University

Macon, GA

The Thomas C. and Ramona E. McDonald Center for America’s Founding Principles

The Thomas C. and Ramona E. McDonald Center for America’s Founding Principles at Mercer University promotes the study of great texts in the Western tradition through its annual A.V. Elliott Conference on Great Books and Ideas, speaker series, undergraduate research fellowships, reading groups, and a general education course. It also hosts a summer Great Books program for high school students. The McDonald Center hopes to “revitalize a cross-centuries dialogue about citizenship, human rights, and political, economic, and religious freedom, thereby deepening the moral imagination and fostering civic and cultural literacy.” Professors Will R. Jordan and Charlotte Thomas are co-directors of the center. Visit Page »

Miami University

Oxford, OH

John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship

Since 1992, the John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship at Miami University has helped prepare thousands of students for success after graduation. The Altman Institute promotes an entrepreneurial mindset through an immersive, cross-disciplinary curriculum in startup and venture capital, social entrepreneurship and impact investing, corporate innovation, and creativity and entrepreneurial thinking. Central to the design of the programs it supports is a belief in the transformative power of learning by doing. Each year, the institute impacts more than 1,000 students through 19 co-curricular programs; two entrepreneurship centers—the Thomas C. Page Center for Entrepreneurial Studies and the Center for Social Entrepreneurship; two student-led venture investment funds; three funded entrepreneurship competitions; the Altman Summer Scholars Internship Program, which provides funding to support internships for more than 70 entrepreneurship students annually; World Creativity and Innovation Week (WCIW), which is celebrated annually by hundreds of organizations in more than 50 countries and is recognized as an “International Day of Observance” by the United Nations; and more. The Altman Institute is housed in the Farmer School of Business and is currently led by Dr. Tim R. Holcomb. Visit Page »

Miami University Humanities Center

The Miami University Humanities Center offers multiple opportunities for collaborative inquiry on campus, including  cross-disciplinary research groups of students and faculty; Humanities Labs, which support research projects that address urgent public challenges; and the John W. Altman Program, which brings faculty, students, and visiting lecturers together for a yearlong study of a pressing topic. The center also provides grants, hosts publishing workshops, and offers guidance to junior faculty. From poetry readings to presentations of new research, the center hosts a mix of events, most of which are open to the public. Timothy Melley serves as the center’s director. Visit Page »

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI

LeFrak Forum and Symposium on Science, Reason, and Modern Democracy

Michigan State’s LeFrak Forum and Symposium were founded in 1989 in the school’s Department of Political Science. They serve as “centers for research and debate on the theory and practice of modern democracy.” Every year, the Symposium and Forum choose one or two issues facing modern democracies and devote their public program to tackling them. As of today, the Forum and Symposium have sponsored “almost two hundred lectures at Michigan State University and more than a dozen international conferences.” Visit Page »

Middlebury College

Middlebury, VT

Alexander Hamilton Forum

The Alexander Hamilton Forum at Middlebury College seeks to “foster thoughtful engagement with the ideas that have informed the creation and development of the American polity” through a public lecture and dialogues series as well as a fellowship program. The forum helps students to think critically and engage in civil discussion and debate centered on five key areas: the maintenance of free institutions; political authority and its limits; First Amendment freedoms; economic liberty and human flourishing; and the link between liberal education and civic education. Keegan Callanan is the director. Visit Page »

Monterey Peninsula College

Monterey, CA

Great Books Program

Monterey Peninsula College’s Great Books Program is one of only two great books programs at California’s community colleges. The program rejects “the notion that Great Books are reserved for private schools and Ivy League universities,” and teaches students key foundational texts in Western civilization. Students who complete the program are awarded a “Great Books Scholar” certificate. The program can also be completed online. Visit Page »

North Carolina State University

Raleigh, NC

Free and Open Societies Project

The Free and Open Societies Project at North Carolina State University promotes the “discussion analysis, and teaching of ideas essential to free and open societies.” It hosts two annual lectures; a student group called the Society for Politics, Economics, and the Law; undergraduate research grants; and a free speech student conference. The project’s programming includes a Great Books Seminar, a Public Policy Seminar, and a Regional Seminar in addition to courses on intellectual traditions and political institutions. The project is directed by Andrew J. Taylor. Visit Page »

Northern Michigan University

Marquette, MI

Center for Academic and Intellectual Freedom

The Center for Academic and Intellectual Freedom (C.A.I.F.), at Northern Michigan University, is dedicated to promoting free speech and viewpoint diversity on the college campus and beyond. Toward this end, the organization hosts talks and special seminars by distinguished scholars and outstanding public intellectuals from around the world. It offers Faculty and Student Fellowships to exceptional individuals, whose research advances what Tocqueville called “the art of being free.” Prof. Gabriel Noah Brahm is the Center’s Founding Director. With Mr. Timothy Eggert (co-host), he is the host of The Public Liberty Podcast, a production of the C.A.I.F., which also publishes a public affairs oriented blog on its website. Visit Page » 

Notre Dame University

South Bend, IN

Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government

The Center for Citizenship & Constitutional Government offers fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students, current faculty, and visiting scholars. The Menard Family Tocqueville Undergraduate Fellows Program cultivates leadership and citizenship through lectures, debates, and colloquia. Fellows receive special invitations to engage more deeply with faculty and speakers. The Center also supports visiting faculty and post-graduate and post-doctoral fellows who contribute to the intellectual life of the Center while pursuing their own scholarship. Dr. Vincent Phillip Muñoz is the current director. Visit Page »

Ohio University

Athens, OH

Menard Family George Washington Forum

Directed by historian Robert G. Ingram, the Menard Family George Washington Forum “teaches America’s foundational principles in their Western intellectual, political, and institutional contexts.” The forum directs and encourages efforts to teach undergraduates American history; encourages scholarship on American and Western history through conferences, lectures, and publications; and provides scholarship funding to select undergraduates. Through its programs, the forum “helps students become enlightened citizens in a liberal democracy.” Visit Page »

Pepperdine University

Malibu, CA

Pepperdine School of Public Policy

The Pepperdine School of Public Policy offers a two-year Master of Public Policy that emphasizes preparing public leaders who can create successful policy solutions in the current polarized political climate. The interdisciplinary program offers five areas of specialization: American Policy and Politics; International Relations and National Security; Applied Economic Policy; Public Policy and Dispute Resolution; and State and Local Policy. The Pepperdine School combines historical and philosophical study with quantitative coursework and emphasizes community-based free market approaches to public policy challenges. Professor Pete Peterson is the current Dean. Visit Page »

Princeton Theological Seminary

Princeton, NJ

Scala Foundation

The Scala Foundation aims to “renew American culture by restoring beauty and wisdom to the liberal arts.” Scala holds summer programs, conferences, courses, reading groups, and lectures focused on the power of the liberal arts to help citizens develop meaningful lives. Scala’s programs serve undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and educational entrepreneurs, creative writers, and other artists. Margarita Mooney Suarez serves as the executive director. Visit Page »

Princeton University

Princeton, NJ

James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions

The James Madison Program, currently directed by Professor Robert George, was founded in 2000 to explore “enduring questions of American constitutional law and Western political thought.” The program offers annual visiting research fellowships as well as postdoctoral appointments. It runs an Undergraduate Fellows Forum, which “provides a unique opportunity for Princeton undergraduates to pursue, outside the classroom, academic interests related to politics, history, law, and political thought.” It also sponsors courses and regularly hosts conferences, colloquia, and public lectures. Visit Page »

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rochester, NY

Center for Statesmanship, Law, and Liberty

The mission of the Center for Statesmanship, Law, and Liberty is to “enhance the understanding of statesmanship as the apex of political greatness and explore its role in a free, democratic republic under the rule of law.” The center seeks to support non-partisan teaching, research, and learning about “statesmanship, liberty and constitutionalism.” The center’s first annual Statesmanship Colloquium took place in April of 2014 and brought together a diverse group of scholars to discuss the statesmanship of Abraham Lincoln. Visit Page »

Skidmore College

Saratoga Springs, NY

The Franklin Forum

The Franklin Forum at Skidmore College is a student -run organization, appropriately named for Pennsylvania’s famous Founding Father and polymath, who himself started the nation’s first learned association, the American Philosophical Society. The Franklin Forum is a sister organization of another Oasis of Excellence: The Alexander Hamilton Institute for the Study of Western Civilization. It is a place where curious and broad-minded students engage in intellectual fellowship outside the classroom, under the guidance of faculty advisor Professor Flagg Taylor. Students adopt a humanistic approach to their explorations of politics, literature, and philosophy, and, like the Alexander Hamilton Institute, the Forum encourages an atmosphere of intellectual risk-taking. Forum members themselves create a reading syllabus to guide their discussions. The group meets regularly and invites visiting scholars to enrich Forum meetings. Visit Page »

St. Olaf College

Northfield, MN

The Institute for Freedom & Community

St. Olaf’s Institute for Freedom & Community began in 2015. Professor Edmund Santurri directs the program which examines important public issues through vigorous, yet civil discourse. Through debate, discussion, and openness to competing viewpoints, students engage the major controversies of our times. The Institute supports St. Olaf’s Public Affairs Conversation: a two-course interdisciplinary study sequence for juniors and seniors. It consists of Freedom and Community in the American Experience and Freedom and Community in Ongoing Social and Political Debates. The coursework is supplemented by an internship in business, government, or public service. Outside speakers also energize dialogue on campus throughout the school year. Visit Page »

Saint Vincent College

Latrobe, PA

Center for Political and Economic Thought

The Center for Political and Economic Thought sponsors research and educational programs in the fields of politics, economics, and “moral-cultural affairs.” It seeks to “advance scholarship on philosophical and policy concerns related to freedom and Western civilization with particular regard to the American experience.” Every year, the center hosts the Civitas Forum on Principles and Policies for Public Life. Founded in 1991, the center is currently headed by Professor Gary Quinlivan. Visit Page »

Center for Catholic Thought and Culture

The Center for Catholic Thought and Culture provides “faculty, students, and the local community with the resources to better understand and participate in the Catholic Intellectual and Benedictine Wisdom Traditions.” The center supports reading groups, seminars, and lectures for both faculty and students as well as a leadership program and study abroad opportunities in Rome. The public can attend many of the events on campus and can access extensive resources online. Currently directed by Professor Jerome Foss, the center also brings faculty together to discuss how the Catholic Intellectual Tradition engages with the liberal arts. Visit Page »

Stanford University

Stanford, CA

The Zephyr Institute

The Zephyr Institute is dedicated to helping students and faculty at Stanford University explore “perennial questions about the nature of the good life in order to evaluate the effects of emerging social, technological, and cultural trends.” The institute hosts reading groups, seminars, intellectual retreats, and conferences, some of which are open to the public. Stanford students can also participate in Zephyr’s Mentorship Program and the Stanford Undergraduate Fellows Program. A cohort of graduate and senior fellows from Stanford and other universities advise on the institute’s intellectual programming and lead seminars, and Matt Bowman serves as the executive director. Visit Page »

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, TX

The Institute for the Study of Western Civilization

Texas Tech’s Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, which is affiliated with the school’s Honors College, sponsors research, teaching, and extracurricular speakers to address “Western Civilization as a distinct phenomenon.” It helped develop a concentration in Western Civilization within the Honors Arts and Letters degree program in which students study U.S. and Western history, fine arts, philosophy, logic, science, and the Great Books of the Western world. It is directed by Professor Steve Balch, a founding members of ACTA’s board and founding president of the National Association of Scholars. Visit Page »

Trinity College

Hartford, CT

Churchill Institute for the Study and Extension of Western Civilization

The Churchill Institute serves the students of Trinity College by encouraging and promoting the serious study of Western Civilization and its influence on history, literature, and philosophy. The Institute enriches the communities of Hartford, CT and New York City by sponsoring the Churchill Speakers Series, which is open to the public. Students can also participate in the Smith Reading Group Clusters and gain work experience through the CI internship program. The Institute is led by Dr. Gregory B. Smith, professor of political science and philosophy. Visit Page »

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ

American Culture and Ideas Initiative

The American Culture and Ideas Initiative was founded to provide students “with an ennobling vision, a sense of a larger purpose and a higher calling through and understanding of the foundations of American culture and institutions.” By emphasizing the various influences on the history of Western civilization, the initiative “contributes to the intellectual breadth of the University and balances the centripetal tendency of some new initiatives with a renewed emphasis on the Western tradition.” Funded and directed by composer Daniel Asia, the initiative sponsors courses, conferences, and cultural performances. Visit Page »

The Center for the Philosophy of Freedom

The Center for the Philosophy of Freedom at the University of Arizona is dedicated to promoting the understanding and appreciation of the ideals of freedom and responsibility. The center focuses on graduate and undergraduate education, research, and community outreach. The Center’s distinctively empirical approach to testing and evaluating political ideals has made the University of Arizona a leading Philosophy Department in the field of political philosophy. Professor David Schmidtz is founding director and editor of Social Philosophy & Policy, an interdisciplinary academic journal published twice a year by Cambridge University Press. Each issue addresses a special topic, including, in the past few years, issues on Corruption, Progress, Profit, Growth, and Ideals in Theory and Practice. Social Philosophy and Policy is a leading journal in its field. In addition to research, the center offers a philosophy course on Ethics, Economy, and Entrepreneurship that is available to high school students for college credit. Visit Page »

University of California—Los Angeles

Lost Angeles, CA

Center for Liberal Arts and Free Institutions

Created in 2009 as part of the UCLA Division of Humanities, the Center for Liberal Arts and Free Institutions was founded on the principle that “an educated citizen in a democracy should have a sound understanding of the history of free institutions and their underlying principles.” CLAFI sponsors courses for undergraduates and invites the public to lectures, performances, and study groups. The center is directed by professor of law emeritus Daniel Lowenstein. Visit Page »

University of Colorado

Boulder, CO

Boulder Campus

Bruce D. Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization

The Bruce D. Benson Center for Study of Western Civilization “promotes study of the intellectual, artistic and political traditions that characterize Western civilization. Central to this mission is our commitment to fostering dialogue about fundamental values and controversial questions. The Center provides a forum for free inquiry and open debate, and it promotes academic freedom and intellectual diversity on campus in a time of increasing political polarization and homogeneity.” It offers a visiting scholar program, faculty and student grants, a summer institute, faculty and student fellows programs, and a Western civilization certificate program. The center also sponsors events, lectures, and other public outreach. It is directed by Daniel Jacobson.  Visit Page »

Engineering Leadership Program

The Engineering Leadership Program at the University of Colorado–Boulder, under the direction of faculty director Shilo Brooks, explores leadership challenges in applied science using liberal arts pedagogy. The program seeks “to cultivate leaders of curiosity and character, whose technical expertise is enriched through the study of the political, moral, and philosophic dilemmas posed by the perpetual advancement of science and technology.” The program approaches engineering “as a humane discipline that requires lifelong reflection on questions that arise within the purview of science, but which science alone cannot answer” and offers a plethora of rigorous courses on the thought and practice of leadership. Visit Page » 

University of Colorado

Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs Campus

Center for the Study of Government and the Individual

The Center for the Study of Government and the Individual (CSGI) is dedicated to studying the relationship between citizens and government in a free society. Through public forums, seminars, and lectures, the Center addresses the constitutional, economic, and social foundations of freedom. The Center also supports research designed to stimulate discussion and debate on the function of government in American life. The Center is run by Professor Joshua Dunn. Visit Page »

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Champaign, IL

The Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government Foundation

The Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government Foundation at the University of Illinois “supports scholarly research and teaching about the authors and ideas of free markets, entrepreneurship, individual rights, individual responsibility, limited government and peace.” Its activities include supporting annual symposia, Lincoln-Douglas style debates, visiting lecturers, and study abroad programs. The Academy is an independent non-profit, and is not a unit of the University of Illinois. Jennifer Johnson currently serves as its president. Visit Page »

University of Louisville

Louisville, KY

McConnell Center

The McConnell Center was founded to “recruit and nurture Kentucky’s next generation of great leaders.” It runs an undergraduate scholars program in which students participate in liberal arts seminars, hosts a public lecture series, and conducts workshops and conferences as part of its Civic Education Program. The center was founded in 1991 by Senator Mitch McConnell and is currently directed by Professor Gary Gregg. Visit Page »

University of Mississippi

Oxford, MS

Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom

The Declaration of Independence Center is “committed to promoting the study of the historical and philosophical aspects of American freedom.” Founded in 2009, the center advances its mission by sponsoring courses in the area of “freedom studies” and by hosting lectures, conferences, and other events. It also sponsors “freedom societies” and offers awards for “achievements in the field of freedom studies.” Visit Page »

University of Missouri

Columbia, MO

Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy

The Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy at the University of Missouri is “a new initiative to promote excellence in teaching and scholarship about the American constitutional and democratic traditions.” At the center of its activities is a university minor in American Constitutional Democracy, which “rewards students for pursuing an integrated course of study on the U.S. Constitution’s historical and philosophical antecedents and the subsequent history and development of American constitutional government.” The Kinder Institute also supports faculty and graduate students who “are exploring foundational questions related to the theory and practice of constitutional democracy.” Professor of Political Science Justin Dyer serves as director of the Kinder Forum and Professor of Journalism and History Jeff Pasley serves as associate director. Visit Page »

University of Montana

Missoula, MT

Project on American Democracy and Citizenship

The Project on American Democracy and Citizenship (PADC) takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the American Experiment through the study of politics, history, public affairs, philosophy, literature, and other liberal arts areas. The Project seeks to increase civic awareness, promote free and open inquiry, and foster the ability to think across disciplines to confront larger questions that confront our society today. Under the direction of Robert Saldin, PADC offers various learning opportunities, public programming, and curricular development for students and the local community. Visit Page »

University of Nevada

Las Vegas, NV

Great Works Academic Certificate

The Great Works Academic Certificate program “provides students with an opportunity to take part in a conversation with some of the best thinkers of all time.” Students who wish to earn a certificate study great works in philosophy, politics, literature, science, and the fine arts. The program also brings prominent guest lecturers to campus to give public talks. GWAC was founded in 2004 by Professor David Fott, who continues to run the program. Visit Page »

University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

Program for Public Discourse

The Program for Public Discourse seeks to support “a culture of debate and deliberation” in order to enable students “to be better citizens, leaders, and stewards of our democracy.”. Undergraduates can participate in the Agora Fellows program, which provides students with opportunities to practice dialogue, debate, and critical reflection. The program also helps faculty incorporate deliberative practices into their teaching. Its Abbey Speaker Series—four annual lectures from experts in different disciplines who share a commitment to public discourse—is open to the public. Sarah Treul serves as the faculty director, and Kevin Marinelli serves as the executive director. Visit Page »

University of Oklahoma

Norman, OK

Institute for the American Constitutional Heritage

The Institute for the American Constitutional Heritage (IACH) is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to the study of American constitutionalism. IACH produces a curricular resource called “Freedom,” which includes recordings of IACH lectures, short courses, and other links and tools for civic education. The institute also offers a Society of Fellows for students interested in discussing law, politics, and history around constitutional issues. Students can also earn a concentration or a minor in Constitutional Studies through the institute. Jeremy D. Bailey serves as the director. Visit Page »

University of South Dakota

Vermillion, SD

W.O. Farber Center for Civic Leadership

The Farber Center for Civic Leadership was founded in 1997 by the South Dakota Board of Regents. It focuses on “public leadership skills,” offering courses in political science, business administration, psychology, and sociology—tools that are “critical to helping individuals and communities identify, address, and resolve public problems.” It offers a minor in “Civic Leadership” and an emphasis in “Leadership Studies” within the MPA program. In addition, the center hosts a variety of events, including an annual “Farber Forum,” which has brought speakers such as General Colin Powell and Tom Brokaw to campus. The center is directed by William D. Richardson. Visit Page »

University of Texas—Austin

Austin, TX

Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of Core Texts & Ideas

The Thomas Jefferson Center aims to “realize Jefferson’s vision of educating citizens and leaders to understand the meaning of liberty and to exercise it wisely.” It runs a variety of programs, including a Certificate Program in Core Texts & Ideas, an ongoing lecture series, a book club for students, and an executive seminar series for “local professionals and community leaders.” The center is led by Professors Lorraine and Tom Pangle. Visit Page »

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy

UVA’s undergraduate Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy seeks to promote scholarship and teaching “that is informed by political theory and by the political science of the American Founding.” The program sponsors a series of lectures and seminars each year given by scholars from outside UVA. These scholars conduct introductory undergraduate courses on the American political tradition and also meet graduate students and faculty to discuss research. The PCD also supports three resident fellows who are pursuing or have recently completed PhDs and offers small undergraduate seminars on American political thought. The program is directed by the distinguished scholar of American politics and winner of the Bradley Award, Professor James Ceaser. Visit Page »

University of Wisconsin—Madison

Madison, WI

Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy

Founded by a core group of faculty in 2006, the Center for the Study of Liberal Democracy’s main objective is to probe the nature and prospects of liberal democracy and its core principles, practices, and institutions. The Center sponsors speakers, colloquia, and a variety of student opportunities, including the CSLD Undergraduate Essay Competition. The Center is directed by Professor Richard Avramenko and Professor Scott Mobley. Visit Page »

Utah State University

Logan, UT

Center for the Study of American Constitutionalism

The mission of the Center for the Study of American Constitutionalism is “to explore the meaning of liberty in the American constitutional system, with specific emphasis on the Founders’ commitment to limited and responsible government.” It grew out of the university’s “Law and Constitutional Studies” major and currently has three key areas of activity. It seeks to 1) “explore the variety of meanings that have been given to ‘liberty’” 2) explore “the specific meaning of liberty found in the Unites States Constitution” and 3) “keep the community abreast of current Supreme Court decisions and their impact on questions of liberty.” The center is directed by Anthony A. Peacock. Visit Page »

Utah Valley University

Provo, UT

Center for Constitutional Studies

The Center for Constitutional Studies at Utah Valley University, led by Director Rodney K. Smith and Executive Director Scott Paul, was established in 2011. The Center promotes the study of constitutionalism, examining “important constitutional issues found at the intersections of political thought, public policy, religion, law, history, and economics” and “employing a multidisciplinary approach to more effectively equip a new generation of citizens and leaders with a broad understanding of political thought and economic and political practices.” The Center partners with the University of Oxford’s Pembroke College on the Quill Project, which allows students to model digitally the creation of constitutions, treaties, and legislation. Visit Page »

Villanova University

Villanova, PA

Matthew J. Ryan Center for the Study of Free Institutions and the Public Good

Named in honor of Villanova alumnus Representative Matthew J. Ryan, the center “promotes inquiry into the principles and processes of free government[.]” Among the center’s initiatives are a post-doctoral program, sponsorship of public lectures and major conferences, and undergraduate and graduate fellowships. It also runs the “Freedom and Virtue Learning Community,” in which student participants “study the relationship between these two fundamental human goods” through “intensive, active reading” and discussions. The center was founded in 2006 and is currently directed by Colleen A. Sheehan. Visit Page »

Washington College

Chestertown, MD

The Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture 

The Institute for Religion, Politics, and Culture (IRPC), a distinctive program that examines religion’s influence on American and world history, as well as its impact on contemporary cultural and political life. The Institute also explores a range of pressing issues facing modern society and the enduring value of America’s founding principles. Visit Page »

Wellesley College

Wellesley, MA

The Freedom Project

Dedicated to the exploration of freedom in all its forms, the Freedom Project at Wellesley College promotes tolerance, pluralism, intellectual diversity, and freedom of expression on campus. It highlights the centrality of liberty in conversations about democracy, inequality, and social justice. The Project sponsors a wide variety of campus programming, including a speaker series, bringing together a wide range of scholarly experts on often provocative topics; courses for credit, as well as grants for professors interested in creating team-taught classes modelling civil discourse; Adam Smith Fellowships for particularly engaged students, who participate in a Wintersession seminar and conduct and present original research; and exciting internship opportunities. The Freedom Project is directed by Dr. Kathryn Lynch.  Visit Page »

Western Carolina University

Cullowhee, NC

Center for the Study of Free Enterprise

The Center for the Study of Free Enterprise is dedicated to educating students, faculty, and the community about economics research and the role of free enterprise through scholarly inquiry, policy analysis, educational activities, and community outreach. The center serves students and faculty from across disciplines by coordinating student-faculty research projects, offering student scholarships and fellowships, and hosting the Free Enterprise Speaker Series. It also provides professional development in economics for K-12 educators, with lesson plans, curricula, and training workshops. Sean Mulholland serves as director of the center. Visit Page »

Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH

Stephen S. Smith Center

The Stephen S. Smith Center in the Williams College of Business at Xavier University promotes learning, scholarship, and debate about fundamental questions and ideas that have an impact on society. At the core of the center is the Smith Scholars Program. This undergraduate, cohort honors program provides a challenging and comprehensive learning opportunity for students who want to pursue a business major that is enriched by an in-depth study of the liberal arts. The Stephen S. Smith Center is directed by Dr. R. Stafford Johnson, and Dr. Steven Frankel serves as academic coordinator. Visit Page » 

Yale University

New Haven, CT

William F. Buckley, Jr. Program

Founded in 2012 by a group of undergraduates under the guidance of long-time Professor Donald Kagan, the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program seeks to promote greater intellectual diversity on Yale’s campus. It coordinates a speaker series, hosts daylong workshops and seminars, and runs a funded summer internship program for undergraduates. In the past, the Buckley Program has also sponsored an essay contest and partnered with Yale to offer a for-credit class on the life of William F. Buckley, Jr. The program is run by a group of student leaders and is advised by a distinguished faculty board. Visit Page »

Directed Studies Program

Yale University’s Directed Studies Program is a selective program for undergraduates that provides them with an interdisciplinary education in the classics of Western civilization. The students enrolled in the program “take three yearlong courses—literature, philosophy, and historical and political thought—in which they read the central texts of the Western tradition.” The classes are supplemented by a series of colloquia in which “[d]istinguished members of the faculty are invited to speak on major issues arising from the work in the program” as well as a variety of other topics related to the Western tradition. The program is currently chaired by Bryan Garsten. Visit Page »


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